

Monday, August 30, 2010

Shaktim Says: Heal Hiv with Ayurveda ... a mission of compassion

http://www.causes.com/causes/467764?m... Join my Cause on Facebook. I'm not asking for money, I am seeking to share and inspire others to live their dreams ... and heal themselves through all natural remedies... It is time we take back our lives from the Pharmaceutical companies ~
peace, light and love,

I am a man who took on hiv/aids in 1996. I took on a guru in 2001, Mark Griffin, of Hard Light Center of Awakening, http://www.hardlight.org, which also included the power of his guru lineage, Swami Muktanada and Bagwan Nityananda. With the power of this pranayama, yogic science... i have gained the inner strength to call out to God for my healing naturally. My mission here is to bring awareness to the fact that you CAN heal through Ayurveda, a 5000 year old vedic tradition ...
'Dreams are Made of Action'

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