

Sunday, August 15, 2010

To Be Or Not To Be तो बे और नोट तो बे

Hello Everyone, I am living in India now since February, 2010. My brother Imran Khan has given me a very gracious gift and I get to stay almost a whole year on my tourist visa!!! Part of my journey in India is pursuing my relationship with the Land and Energy that India IS. It is beyond words sometimes for me as I sink deeper into the fabric of the ancient shakti that permeates the land, the people and the air! They call it Incredible India for a very good reason. India is, to use the words of Osho, not just geography or history, It is vibrating with certain energy fields which no other country can claim. This gift I have given myself, that God has given me, to reach beyond my fears, the fears brought on by my choosing to take on Hiv/Aids as part of my karma, has brought me many blessings, shedding the western mindset and embracing ayurveda. Incorporating it with my pranayama yogic science, I am celebrating my destiny; To create a conversation with humanity, to invoke a renewed connection with the earth and all that God gave us to Heal ourselves, naturally. Meditation in the Caves of Ellora. Ah, what a gift! I sit in the acoustically perfect cave 30, tucked away high upon the hill and my heart opens. I am always inspired to do something creative. Sing, Chant and of course, Hamlet... and so, without further adieu, I bring you my 2010 HD version of 'To Be or Not To Be', in the magnificent World Heritage Caves of Ellora, India.

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