

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Indian State of Mind इंडियन स्टेट ऑफ़ मंद

Indian State of Mind

by Tim Shaktim Maloney on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 at 4:22pm
This journey has revealed to me the extent to which America has sunk into a deep state of an inablility to communicate, to think, to express ... and of course I only share my limited experience with my own life and aquaintances, friends and family. But India is alive and they have thoughts and feelings that they share so completely with eloquence. An example: I get these texts saying that when Shaktim smiles, the whole world smiles with him. This wasn't from a girl, this was from a man that hardly speaks English to me face to face... but he was sharing his experience of how he perceives the world is 'around me'. So beautiful. Another new friend writes 10 texts in one day sharing all of his philosophies of life... beautifully executed and thought out... when I call him to thank him, he says, 'I'm so sorry, I cannot talk on the phone, I have no English'... So he can read and write beautifully, but cannot speak... Then there is my new actor friend, Anupam, who asked me to be his mentor. He talked with such a passion for the classic plays and acting that it inspired me to start learning more of my Hamlet. The last example for today is the tv program, Chicks talking about film or something like that. These two Indian women speak faster and come up with more quality insights about films that I have EVER heard from any entertainment news anchor in the US. Unbelievable. What I've discovered ... America is now medicated. According to the west, I am living with 'an impulse disorder' ... bi - polar. Here, they call it LIVING ... Everyone is spontaneous and will stop what they are doing just to help YOU !!! Me, that is. But the whole community acting like this. My host family is living in a Utopian Society of the True Barter System... i'm humbled, honored, stunned and trip over my own lack of understanding of these marvelous human beings every day ... with love and light from Aurangabad / Ellora, Shaktim

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