

Monday, December 14, 2009

TIM MALONEY HAMLET 365 ... Shaktim's Hamlet 363 'Introducing Coco'

So you have seen Coco on my Channel page and you have even heard her before in the background of some of my TAKES, but now you get to meet her. She is my 11 year old rescue pom. I'm very blessed to have known her and the great joy she brings to the people she meets.
In this TAKE, You get an insight into my Meisner background with the repetition I do towards the end of the rendering. I've studied many different techniques along the way, first at AMDA, NYC, where I studied with Elizabeth Browning. She posed this question to me: 'If you want to be an actor, you must bring your improv down from fake universes...' Yes, my partner and I were placing our exercise on another planet. ha. I can laugh now, but at the time, I was transfixed with the idea that I could not act and that I was destined to be a Chorus boy singer who could almost move pretty well. While I was in Grad School for Opera several years later, I got to work with Michael Richie at Florida State University. He was amazed how still I could be and how long I would take to answer a line... I don't think the other actors appreciated it, but at the time, I was pressed to be as honest as I possibly could because, in fact, I had that little lady in the back of my head saying I could not act. From there, I landed a chorus role and assistant stage management position at the Metropolitan Playhouse in NYC. I was blessed to be working with amazing actors who also thought the characters I was playing (5 and under lines) were good... and they were with an Irish accent even. I got bold and took a Shakespeare for film class with at the Worth Street Theatre. I played Romeo in a scene as well as learned my All the Worlds a Stage and Be absolute for Death soliloquies. From there I got even bolder and pursued the Artists' Way. My crazy dream was to be in a Soap Opera. I took a Casting Director workshop and in just a few weeks time I was a surgeon in one of the last shows of the short lived 'The City', Soap Opera, on ABC. The check that came told me everything I needed to know about where I was going. OUT to Hollywood to get on a sitcom so I could come Back to Broadway as a celebrity. Dial forward ... Having lived through Aids Dementia and Wasting, I re-emerged stronger, livelier and with gratitude that has brought me to this point. Celebrating Life by putting my dreams into Action. I look forward to a long career of what ever it is that God wants me to do. The statement of Hamlet 365 will have a life of it's own. It is not who I am. It has been a part of my evolution as an artist and I am thankful for the inspiration to create it ... I give All Thanks to God !!!
peace, light, love and passion,



Shaktim an inspirational Life

Living a life of courage and
Indisputable resolve to continue
Dreaming the impossible dream
Even after being
Given an hiv death sentence in
1996. Living for years feeling like a
leper and wanting to die, in 2004
I was diagnosed with aids wasting
And dementia.

I chose life
And found
And peace in yogic science and
Through hiv meds

I am a miracle
I am a Victor over Aids !

Why share my life in this way?

Through Aids I found
My humanity
The gift of yogic science
Sharing is an important step in my
Own journey of healing.

It is the reason I have become an
Inspiration to my family and

As an artist and yogi I am impelled
To reveal and share who I am.
My desire is to
Encourage and Inspire
Others who are living with an
Illness and everyone else,
We All have a death sentence.
Connecting to your spiritual
Essence, recognizing God in the
Oxygen we breathe, can and will
Heal, transform and empower you

What ever religion you embrace.

So, Im here to say you can Reclaim
Your truth today We are a divine
Creation a vessel God is waiting
To fill you

How can we connect with God
Physically on this earth?
Through our breath!

If you have a dream you CAN
Make it happen through your
Divine right to creative Action !
Dreams Are made of Action

And so, on this special day of
Thanks I want to
Share yogic science and the art and
Creating bliss in your body, mind
And spirit by loving the oxygen you
Breathe !!!

Yes, you know I want to share
My story with Oprah.
She is the calming reason I stayed
Around until I met my guru,
Mark Griffin.

Im thankful for the many hours of
Therapy she provided, How she
Brought the world together in
Such loving ways and breaking
Down the fears
Today I live in Truth

My action to the universe is to be
Who I am.
GrGrateful to be a human being
The rarest gift in the Universe
Created to Awaken and know God.

Blessings, Shaktim The Hamlet of YouTube
'Dreams are Made of Action'
HAMLET 365 ... One Actor, One Monologue, 365 TAKES !!!

Oprah ... Here I come ... YouTube STAR 2010 ...
Category: Entertainment
Tags: William Shakespeare Hamlet Sir Laurence Olivier Ian McKellen Jude Law Richard Burton Harvey Oprah

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