

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Hamlet 358 'The Way I Work'

'm excited for this TAKE to share some insights into my project. Some of the good and bad things as an actor that I am trying to break free of. I've really enjoyed watching this project unfold virally through the world wide web and know that if I am hitting 50 plus pages of google searches just in two years... the explosion of the content I've shared is just going to continue to grow. Its a way for me to establish myself as an actor with a drive and a willingness to make a fool of myself as well as touching some golden moments, both personally, and on screen. When all is said and done, my original goal to 'infect my face upon the world wide web' (which was a tim maloney 'funny' moment) ... and completely kidding. But who really knew that this is what can happen.

Back to the acting. What more can I say? I prefer the stage for classical theatre and can't wait to be Directed again... that is if a Director will ever want to touch me after seeing me in this project. You can visit some of my Student films and see the difference from how I work on a set as opposed to working on a multitude of levels for this project, both in regard to camera work as an actor and as a director, the lighting and as a cinematographer, the framing of the action. It was all complicated and I hope you enjoy as you browse and play skip around Hamlet... just what it is that I have manifested. Blessings to all who have stuck with me and to a handful who have watched a LOT of my Hamlets. You guys kept me going ... you know who you are, but if you don't ... Joe Cool, Johnny Wolf and Thomas Neil ... The 3 with the Most Comments and gracious continued support.

Enough said. I Love God and He has blessed me with the desire to create ... ' Dreams are Made of Action '
Shaktim ...
ps On Wikimedia I am known as an Actor from India because some of my YouTube Hamlet TAKES were done in an Indian Cave ... The Ellora Caves, India !!!
Category: Education
Tags: Hamlet Shakespeare India Bollywood Stanislavski Sir Ian McKellen

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