Welcome to my experiment! Shakespeares' Hamlet, from Tim Maloney...Shaktim, The Hamlet of YouTube. This playlist is dedicated to one actor taking one monologue, or in this case, a soliloquy from Hamlet, arguably one of the most famous of all of Shakespeare's plays and offering YouTubers a unique insight into what its actually like for an actor to 'Work out a Character' using repetition as part of the rehearsal process. I am committed to offering 365 takes of this one monologue and hope you will continue sending me emails with your thoughts and feelings and critiques. I've discovered another reason to make this statement, besides the obvious of marketing my talents to begin a professional film and tv career and that is to inspire people to persevere and follow their dreams, their bliss. My bliss is performing Characters and entertaining. Oprah inspired me to do just that... and becoming a Shakespearean Actor has been a dream of mine ever since I realized that I had a naturally, yet uncanny ability to understand his words. Could i have been in his original troupe? I want to play Hamlet on Stage and Character Driven work on film. You can view my first time playing Hamlet in a short film http://www.HamletvsGoodzilla.c om , from an Experimental Film class at UCLA. Gabby Gruen, Director/Writer. http://www.timmaloney.biz and http://www.tmaseva.org are two more sites you might check out.
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