

Saturday, June 7, 2008

my first blog.
I'm an actor with an inspirational life. 25 years in the Entertainment Industry and 10 years of education preparing me for a life in the entertainment industry. My goal through my youtube channel is to share with Oprah what has made me courageous and helped me to walk forward towards my goal, my dream of sharing my energy on the stage and now, in film and tv. www.timmaloney.biz

I am a Cancer. A wood Dragon Cancer. I am a yogi. A yogic scientist, if you will. I love God. I love breathing with intention. I love my guru, who has taught me to love myself through breathing with intention. www.hardlight.org and tmaseva.org. A great energy has surfaced in my body through harnessing the power inherent in each sip of air...in each sip of oxygen...transforming it like an ancient alchemist ... its a magic that happens for me physically, in my body...bringing me a depth of peace that I can only describe as All consuming.

1 comment:

Unknown said...
