

Friday, December 18, 2015

~ if baba were here ~

If Bhagavan Nityananda were here, what would he do? All of Baba's Devotees still feel the peaceful warmth of his samadhi shrine. We 'know' there is something very special here in Ganeshpuri. These Elders know too what a blessing it is to spend their last days in a holy village, Ganeshpuri, the home of the great Indian saint, Bhagavan Nityananda of Kanhangad and Ganeshpuri. Many of these disabled elders don't leave this small room (called Dharmshala Building ~ sitting beside the Bangalore Building, the actual place that Bade Baba took samadhi).

... sometimes when i am about to enter this building with my small pot of Rice, 
Dal and Veggies ... i hear the faint call of my baba in the wind, whispering his love. Today, i had forgotten to eat before taking the trip on Sachin's bike. I took photos first and then it was my turn to serve, i nearly fell with a rush of dizziness, grabbing Sachin's shoulder and trying to explain in my broken 'toda toda' Hindi to Kashi, the 80' Something year old lady that 'muje kanana nahi' ... (i eat no) such a simple thing i forget to do for myself, but i MUST do and feel the guilt when i cannot offer these dear saints.
You can see the effects over these short months of this practice, just how they're faces, MOST of them, have brightened. Oh sure there are always the sour ones, but several have had a shift of consciousness that clearly is marked by the entrance of not only a white man, but the Indian Villagers that would not dare enter this building if it weren't for this one pot of Kitcheri and a crazy American wanna be yogi ...
i thank my guru lineage, Bhagavan Nityananda, Swami Muktananda and Guru Mark for Grace, Blessings and Love. I thank them for all the ups and downs, the karmic ride through so many layers of the 'onion' of my ego that has been wrapped so tight but is gently over these short years, having an unfolding ease that surprises me daily.
its a blessing to be in INcredible INdia 
Jai Nityananda ~
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Monday, September 28, 2015

My Ganeshpuri friends helping to bring some comfort to the Elder Homeless ~

I thought i would cross reference here a bit~ you see i have a White Guru~ he now has a retreat center here in India. For my first 6 or 7 years with him we, as a sangha, were very much Internal. 

Finally, he introduced us to his guru's practice of the guru gita and we realized that we had to 'do something' to HELP as this is guru bhava. In the guru gita, Shiva tells Parvati, "Oh Wise one, much can be accomplished through these spiritual practices. Focus your attention on service and working for the welfare of people, instead of using your accrued shakti for self-centered worldly gain. (translated by my guru Mark). So we set off to bring to the area villages the bio-sand water filter and I got the opportunity to serve as the Education Video Producer. I was so fortunate that the Bollywood Actor, Pankaj Mishra agreed to direct the project. Jai Nityananda … 

so that’s how I got started doing seva. When I realized that I wanted to live in Ganeshpuri, I decided based on my personal contact with an amazing sadhu I called ‘samadhi baba’ … that I would begin to help the True Sadhus …for now it has shifted into seeing the real need for the Elder Homeless to have a second meal of the day …

And why this video is important? I will let you tell me. I hope it inspires to reach out to those near you who are in need.

… truly I am blessed to be living at the feet of Bade Baba … however much longer he allows, I will honor him ~